After having spent many years as a gymnastics coach at FlipFest, Dave Durante, brought the idea of an adult fitness camp to Power Monkey Fitness partners Shane Geraghty and Sadie Durante. The location was ideal. The facilities were top notch. And so the idea for Power Monkey Camp was born!
The next step meant convincing their friends in the fitness industry that an idea of this scale would work. Would anyone show up? We had no idea, but we were determined to see if we could make people come to the woods of Tennessee to train with the best coaches in the world.
Fortunately, it only took a little bit of persuading and our initial team came together quickly. Superstars like Chad Vaughn, Dave Newman, Mike Cerbus, Jason Leydon, Jessica Lucero, Jodi Vaughn, and Dan Pope believed in Camp from the moment we shared the concept. This showing of support gave us the leverage to attract athletes from all over the world to attend our first Camp. Our amazing, unparalleled staff of coaches and experts along with a top notch sponsor group, lead by RX Smart Gear, allowed us to take camp from an idea to a reality.
At the very first Power Monkey Camp, we had 30 campers and 30 staff. The campers who attended had a phenomenal experience, but were hesitant to spread the word because they wanted to keep the 1 to 1 ratio to themselves!! But, word got out and we’ve expanded our reach each camp. In October 2023 we competed our 20th Camp and have now had over 1,500 campers from over 60 countries attend Power Monkey Camp. It has become globally recognized as a must-attend fitness experience not only for the curriculum, but more importantly for the relationships that are built during the week spent immersing yourself in the fitness community. A significant number of Campers return year after year and make it a priority to attend every chance they get. It is a testament to the quality of our coaches and staff, as well as the amazing location that we have been able to grow Camp in the way that we have.
We have big plans for the future of Camp and we are excited to see where it will go in the coming years. If you are a fitness enthusiast interested in improving your movement quality with some of the best minds in the world, Power Monkey Camp is one of the best bang-for-your-buck opportunities you will find. We are fortunate to love what we do and hope to share the experience with you one day.

Power Monkey Camp Team

Founder, Power Monkey Fitness + Power Monkey Camp
- Boss Mama
- Aerialist Extraordinaire
- Favorite motto "no loafin"

Founder, Power Monkey Fitness + Power Monkey Camp
Handstand Coach
- 2008 Olympic Team Member
- Accidentally ran a marathon during the 2023 Hood to Coast relay
- 1st Runner Up, Power Monkey Pickleball 2023

Founder, Power Monkey Fitness + Power Monkey Camp
- Founder, Shanefest
- Firestarter, The Greatest Showman
- Stunt double for Alf
- 5th Ninja Turtle
- Pizza crust guitar strummer

Logistics Director
Snatch Station Coach
- 2011 American Open Champion
- PMC7 Tuna Challenge Olympic World Champion
- 2017 Peaked for Camp (pictured here)
- Coffee addict
- Former middle school teacher

Director of Content
- WNBF pro natural body builder (retired)
- 3rd place WNFB Mid America Championship
- Eagle Scout
- Hamburglar's cousin

Director of Marketing
- Media Lead

Hannah Deutsch
Customer Support
- You've most likely spoken to her via intercom chat!
- Former Gymnast
- Voted best smile

Flipfest Property Manager
- Power Monkey Camp Property Manager
- The Pickle in Pickleball
- Is kind of a big "dill"
- Officially unofficial Yeti Snacklebox Ambassador

Flipfest Property Manager
- Power Monkey Camp Property Manager
- OshFit, Founder
- Can run a 5K faster than you, probably (definitely)
- Most likely to sign you up for a local 5K happening tomorrow. Surprise!

Camp Mascot
- The Goat
- Greatest of all time
- If we're being honest, we thought his name was Henry